Personally I used to buy a lot of bottled water, but more for my own convenience it was easier to buy a case and grab one as I needed it. Now my family uses a water cooler where we go and fill the bottles up and bring them home and use the dispenser with a hot and cold tap for our convenience. This is a lot cheaper than cases of water but still I am not sure what we are actually paying for. We mainly like the cooler for the fact that it’s colder than the tap. That being said, I drink a lot of water throughout the day, which is recommended 8 glasses or whatever. I prefer to use a reusable water bottle like a nalgene or even a used powerade bottle and fill it about half full freeze it and then pour tap water in it and let the ice melt on it’s own. The water is colder and tastes so much better. Besides when I am done, I can refill it. Easier and cheaper than going and buying another bottle right? When you’re traveling its just more convenient you can carry an empty water bottle and go fill it up at a fountain just makes more sense (logically, and ecologically).
The fact that bottled water standards are low is rather sketchy to me. Has anyone ever visited a water treatment plant? There is so much cleaning and standards. There is a whole Drinking Water division of the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Clean Water Act, Source Protection. Please see the link below for more information:
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